People Are Starting To Notice

In the early stages of this project it’s expected to not get much attention, yet attention is what we’re starting to get. Yesterday a Climate Change blog created by a top executive in the social media monitoring sector mentioned our work here. ———————————————–> We see inspiring examples flowing through Sunflower every day, from around the… Continue reading People Are Starting To Notice

A New Writing Project

More than a dozen years ago I distributed business cards of an idea that was called: Carbon Conscious Forestry. I was searching for landowners who wanted to increase tree redundancy and the resultant forest resiliency with no kill methods like canopy pruning rather than logging. But back then the notion of evenly spaced trees that… Continue reading A New Writing Project

Hello world!

What does a forester do? What is their authority in a global industrial complex of near always accelerating deforestation rates of primary forest? Or rather what is / does a forester do next? What are the next steps that goes beyond this failure of denying a fecundity of biodiversity? The inspiration for this website and… Continue reading Hello world!