In our upside down world the “normal” profession of forestry looks nearly the opposite of a life-long drive to work for greater forest protection. In today’s world a professional forester succeeds by undermining limits of what can be done, while the forest protector succeeds by strengthening these limits. A forest protector knows once elder trees… Continue reading Protection or Profession?
Tag: Forestry
What Are Climate Forests?
When it comes to absorbing massive amounts of carbon and locking it up for centuries, there’s no better place in the world than western Oregon to grow trees for a thousand years. In the first half of the 1800’s when European and Russian fur trappers first moved into this territory to start massive fires to… Continue reading What Are Climate Forests?
Hello world!
What does a forester do? What is their authority in a global industrial complex of near always accelerating deforestation rates of primary forest? Or rather what is / does a forester do next? What are the next steps that goes beyond this failure of denying a fecundity of biodiversity? The inspiration for this website and… Continue reading Hello world!