Protection or Profession?

In our upside down world the “normal” profession of forestry looks nearly the opposite of a life-long drive to work for greater forest protection. In today’s world a professional forester succeeds by undermining limits of what can be done, while the forest protector succeeds by strengthening these limits. A forest protector knows once elder trees… Continue reading Protection or Profession?

Arcata Community Forest

Ran across a post on Facebook this evening from forest protection legend Greg King, who was praising Arcata Community forest for its commercial logging of its city’s high use recreational areas. Back in the 90’s and early 2000’s myself and a now since departed forestry professor Dr. Rudy Becking took issue with this work being… Continue reading Arcata Community Forest

Crush Rebuttal

(click highlighted areas to view notes) November 29, 2021 Greetings. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources regarding the Crush timber sale in Capitol State Forest For the Crush timber sale, our South Puget Sound region staff thoroughly reviewed the sale area and found no… Continue reading Crush Rebuttal